Re: Hot Rod Options

Posted by R Anderson On 2010/2/25 20:20:19
Hank was right...OK, I'm from the generation that Tells It Like It Is, so I'll be The One to Say It, because I'm not one to be hung up on some notion of suffering fools gladly, and I'm quite sure I'm not the only one thinking it either ... is this some kind of ludicrous troll? Because to hot rod a Packard V-12 should be a capital offense, IM not so humble O, and butchering a Super 8, is not far behind. Such an offense rises to the level of barbarism. Sorry, but go forth and bastardize a Chevy or some other common POS with our blessing, and leave truly classic cars like Packards alone. I've seen a '34 Phaeton chopped and channeled. I don't care if it is a free country, some things are just beyond the pale. Period. If you are hereby offended, so be it, and if your intent was merely to raise our hackles, go waste your time elsewhere. Begone.

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