Re: Chevy into Packard

Posted by Mike On 2011/1/7 14:55:57

ScottG wrote:
Come to think of it, maybe someone should tell the Amish folks that live in and around northeast Ohio that they should give up their horse and buggies because it's irrational to travel in a conveyance that can't achieve 55 or 65 mph on state highways. But I digress.

I live in NEOhio right in amish country. And they SHOULD be legistlated off the road, not because of their speed but because they don't pay ANY fuel or road tax. A good chunk of every gallon of gas you buy goes back into maintaining roads, and so do license fees, etc that they don't pay. Manure and shoes and nails are HELL on asphalt. So move em on off. They're not allowed on highways which is the main point anyways, so you wouldn't run across them and tractors and SMV on a cross country tour unless it was all backroads.

If it was all backroads, time is not an issue and you could drive an old six or eight slow as they do.

"There is nothing more aggrevating to JQ Public than to get behind ANY vehicle doing 50 in a 70 mph lane."

That's me to the T. Of course i am on the road for work most of the day, so it's worse to me than most people. But let me point that out - IN A 70MPH lane. Do 70 or move right. I ride to the right except to pass and expect others to do the's the law. I ride my packard at 75 in the left lane while passing, and move it right back over. Let fast trucks by, don't go the same speed as someone in the right lane, etc.

Your choice of vehicle should not impact or inconvenience me ON A HIGHWAY. On the regular road, hey, that's life and if you're going the speed limit (max 55 around here) then we're friends. 35 in a 55 while i'm billing $120 an hour to save a customer from an emergency? You're getting the horn.

SMV exempted of course, if you can't do 55 then again hey, like school buses or garbage trucks, luck of the draw.

But not everyone is out on a joy ride. When i am, i drive slow and let everyone around, because i remember how bad it is when they don't do the same.

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