Re: GM 4L60E Transmission Adapted for 1955 Packard 400

Posted by PackardV8 On 2011/10/23 19:09:39
Kevin AZ writes (referenceing deleted post by HH56):

The project is low key for many reasons, but mainly because it is new and the man behind it is an unassuming gentleman. Your dismissive posting is uncalled for and erroneous. Just because people wish to not communicate on the WWW does that give you the apparent right or privilege use your 'ambassador' status in an attempt to leverage, squeeze, or shame people into getting information. I've made it clear how to reach Mr. Butler"

Ok. KevinAZ. DELETE YOUR GODDAMNED post too! Yours was uncalled for. IF it's such low key and private then why did u start this thread to begin with???? I was wondering the same thing that HH56 had indicated. There was nothing "uncalled for" nor "erroneous" about HH56's post.

U should have taken YOUR OWN advice and PM'ed HH56 about your dissatisfaction for his post instead of posting it here in the this thread. I mean WTF!! I'll just take over now where HH56 left off with his deleted post. That ought to make every one happy.

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