Re: Four-eyes or Who offers more?

Posted by Mr.Pushbutton  On 2012/11/12 14:21:03
The Russkies never got any dies from Detroit (Packard specifically) they juast took cars that made their way over there and copied them, and put some agricultural engine in them. They are close, but no cigar.
The bit about the Packard senior dies being given to the Russians has been proved false--by the tape measurer, among other first hand accounts, especially since the fall of the Iron curtain. Quite simply: Packrad put the stamping dies for the senior cars outside for the duration of the war, the cosmolene job was not done properly and they rusted beyond use. Briggs did a better job of protecting the Clipper dies (Imagine what would have happened if those went bad!) and that is how Packard only had the Clipper body after the war.

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