Re: Mal's Hershey trip. And, more!

Posted by Ozstatman On 2012/10/13 19:33:05
Hershey - Day 4, the Car Show

Today I was going to ride into the car show at Hershey on the back of Dave Lockard's Packard Truck. But events conspired to prevent that happening. The small matter of packing both parts and personal effects prevented departure from the Hotel until after the truck would have entered the field. Apologies Dave for not meeting you today.

So instead of walking around searching for parts, today was spent walking around looking at some great cars in a car show. Spent about 3 hours doing that, taking lots of pictures. Including some of a couple of one off Packards that Noel was insistent that I saw NOW, if not sooner! Noel and Ann were already with these magnificent cars, the Balboa and the Panther, and waiting for me to arrive. Overall some great cars there, including lots of lovely Packards. Pssst, I like the Balboa more so than the Panther.

Then it was off to meet a JohnS a former PackardInfo member who arranged to meet me in front of The Giant Centre at Hershey. I actually left the car show a little early and spent that time walking more of the Car Corral, even then I didn't see it all. Was able to slip into the PAC tent where I picked up some refreshments, even as they were packing up. There I met another PackardInfo guy, John Harley, and enjoyed his company until my departure.

At The Giant Centre met John, and although John no longer has a Packard he wanted to meet me nevertheless. When John had phoned me earlier in the day to arrange the time and meeting place I put the hard word on him as to whether he could drop me off, on his way home, so I could pick up my next hire car. How could he say no? Met with John and his friend Tony, who has 17 Muscle Cars, then off. First to pick up my luggage and then on to Harrisburg and the hire car.

Then the GPS curse struck again! First I couldn't plug in the power lead, the plug in location point was different from the other units I'd used! Back into the terminal and the Avis lady soon had it plugged in. Easy when you know how. Back to the car, program my destination then off. But not far, the GPS thought it was in Chicago Illinois and had calculated a route to my Motel from there! Ring Avis and they said bring it back, but I was already outside the airport. Fortunately the first sign I saw pointed me in the right direction. Soon had a fresh GPS, actually it was the third one because the second one she gave me had the same problem! Then I put the wrong address into the GPS and ended up in Harrisburg and not Carlisle where I was supposed to be.

But I am now safely ensconced in the Motel down-loading pic's and the like.

JW wrote:Mal, thanks again for the 4 copies of the Packardian...Does this make me an internationally published author?(o[]o)

Of course, but with PackardInfo and other Forums you've already served a lengthy digital apprenticeship without a proper paper publication to your name!

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