Re: Hershey 2014

Posted by West Peterson On 2014/10/25 16:38:52
LOVE the comparison between the Connie and the Carib. Thinking back to what it must have been like in 1956: If you were the owner of a brand new regal Packard Caribbean and pulled up to a stop light (or country club) where a Continental was sitting, would the wind in your sails been deflated slightly???

I think I would have been in awe of the Connie, just as I am today. Not that I'm not enthralled with the 1956 Caribbean, I am (especially the hardtop), it's just that I've never seen this comparison before.

I missed Saturday show day at Hershey due to a family emergency. My 1940 Packard 180 was on the show field, though, thanks to some good friends.

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