Re: Enfield Pageant of Motoring May 2009

Posted by Terry Cantelo On 2009/6/8 2:27:07
Morning Eric,
I'd love to take you up on your kind offer as I have always had an interest in guns but as you probably are aware we do not have the outright right to bear arms like the States due to government legislation. I do still have a 12 gauge o/u shotgun and occasionally get in a round of skeet.
Here's a bit of trivia for you. I've just come back from a workout in the gym which was formally the old Royal Small Arms machine shop and all around this vast site runs a small river "The Lee". Many people think that, that is where the SMLE got it's name by adding Lee to Enfield hence Lee Enfield. The design actually was the brainchild of an American Major Lee Metford and the SMLE developed from his design. The famous Bren Gun was also developed by the
Czechoslovakians in Brno and made at Enfield it's name being formed from the two first letters of each town hence BREN
Take care

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