Re: All 7 Packard Concept Cars at One event!!

Posted by Owen_Dyneto On 2009/7/18 16:15:15
Don, the Request had been owned for perhaps the last 25-30 years by Larry Dobb or Dobbs from the Pacific-Northwest area who located and restored it some years back, his story was told in a nice article in PAC's Cormorant at that time. Most of the concept cars were at the Warren Centennial (all 4 Panthers for example, the front-wheel drive V12, Predictor, Pan Americans, etc.) but as I remember Larry at the time had some health issues and couln't make the trip with the Request and I think it's been pretty much out of circulation in recent years. It required a re-restoration for Ralph Marano's high standards - among other things I recall Ralph mentioning that the two front half-bumpers which were originally made up from multiple welded pieces required completely new fabrication from scratch. I had occasion to see one of Ralph's 2 Balboas under restoration a while back.

Yes, you're right, I am fortunate. Not only is AACA's center (Hershey) only 3 hours away, but North Jersey is the birthplace of the CCCA and we've been lucky to have many of the founders and their wonderful cars (like Bob Turnquist) at most of our local region's events. And within 15 miles or so of me there are probably 100 Packards so the local PAC, CCCA and AACA regions are very active. Also proximity to the Burn Foundation, Greenwich, and Fairfield Concours. My 34 Packard isn't really a Concours car but was invited and I drove it to Fairfield last year because it has a historic connection to Fairfield - it's a lovely event.

Ralph Marano is active in both our local PAC and CCCA clubs, and has established a spectacular showroom for his collection - and he's an extremely generous individual who has opened his doors to both clubs on multiple occasions. Likewise Dan Kanter has allowed us into see their collection several times.

Drawbacks to NJ - highest property taxes in the nation - by a long shot!!

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