Re: RIver Run 54 packard

Posted by BigKev On 2011/10/17 22:00:46
Well details are coming together for the River Run, and I will let Jim fill in some of the details in the next couple of days.

We are working on having a few "People's Choice" awards for the cars that are in attendance and also a couple of awards for longest distance drove (in a Packard) and long distance traveled to get to the Meet.

While we know it's going to be a small event this first year, the registrations for cars coming have already passed our inital expectations.

Remember folks if it's a Packard we want to see it there. Drive it, Trailer it, Tow it. Show Quality or Rust Relic....we want to see them all. Can't bring your Packard? Thats fine as well bring yourself. Have another old car? Bring it out.... the more the merrier. Also all Studebakers are also welcome to attend and participate.

It's all about getting together and kicking some tires and enjoying the hobby, so come on out and be able to say you were there at the first one!

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