I'm posting this here on behalf of Mr. Danielson.
Dan Danielson, of Metro Region of the CCCA is holding a Classic Car Meetup
at a Unique, 100 Acre Property in Wall Township, NJ owned by a Long-time member.
Some Highlights of the property
80+ Classic Cars
40 Horse-Drawn Carriages
Antique Tractors
Blacksmith Shop
Country Store
1920 Gas Station
1950's Ice Cream Shop (Seats 30)
A Hearse that Carried Lincoln's Casket
Civil War Display
and more!
The Event is Free and a free buffet will be provided. The event organizer asks that you RSVP your attendance by June 8th,2022 since they are catering.
The event is open to all Classic/Antique cars. Ample trailer parking is also available.
If you are bringing a modern car, you may still attend, a separate parking lot will be provided.
for more info, please contact
Dan Danielson
packardbigboy@comcast.net cell: 732-768-4016
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