Re: Packard Proving Grounds 80th Birthday
Posted by Joel Ray On 2008/4/29 22:06:19
I worked at Selfridge for 36 years until my retirement 2 years ago. Selfridge has NOT been an AFB since 1971. It has been an Air National Guard (ANG)Base since that time. There is a huge difference in manning, funding and cost to the taxpayers. The ANG operates the base about 70 percent cheaper than the AF. Selfridge is not in Detroit but 20 miles north of Detroit. All those years of driving through Detroit to go 20 more miles to get to work. Selfridge had an air show last year and had the history of the base on display for the attendees. They honored Mr. Joy and the Packard connection. I arranged for a Packard to be on display on the base.
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