Re: Various CL Pickings

Posted by Craig the Clipper Man On 2014/8/7 10:35:05
I love this part of the description for the '38 coupe:

"Trying to improve the look of a Packard is a challenge and one the builder of this coupe thankfully met with reserve. All the major styling cues remain in place with just a few subtle updates. Up front, the big Packard grille hangs proudly, topped by a classic Goddess of Speed (or lady with donut) hood ornament and flanked by headlights in body-matched housings. ..."

Lady with donut??? That single statement tells you what you need to know about the seller. How they figured the builder "improved" the looks of this car is unfathomable. The way it is described makes this car sound like a rare classic. In fact, they even had the audacity to mention that a 1938 Super Eight coupe is a CCCA recognized classic. As if this car has any sort of relation to the original.

Anyone who is willing to part with 100 grand for this thing should have his/her head examined. If I wanted a basically new car for $100,000, I think I'd buy a lightly used Maserati roadster. At least I'd know I had an honest car for the money.

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