Re: Various CL Pickings

Posted by Marty or Marston On 2015/3/6 10:40:44

Nothing like a little humor to start a Friday off on. That project is a little rougher than I would like. Besides which I already have a '32 engine that's under foot that I'm try to get rid of see (For Sale) .

Better yet is the engine in my '32 that I'm already restoring, which is finished. To get a peek at it just click on the links in my signature block with "Big Sister"..

However, for the $35K I felt like the Light being only 75 miles away deserved a look see. I really wanted to see the quality of the interior as I'm approaching that stage in my restore and he is a local person.

Besides which the drive up there from Simi Valley is along the coast with with nice views on the Channel Islands. Not to mention that several of our preferred eateries along the way.

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