Re: Fuel

Posted by PackardV8 On 2012/5/4 12:36:13
Not meaning to nit-pic any nomenclature used here but simply for detail clarity. Someone correct me if i am wrong:

1. There is a distinction between rubber and neoprene.
2. Alcohol disolves neoprene but not rubber.
3. Gasoline (with NO alcohol) will disolve rubber but not neoprene.

Are any of those 3hree statements incorrect???

As far as i know things like heater hoses and wnindshield washer hoses are rubber (as in NOT neoprene)

I do realize that 'rubber' is often used to describe what is really neoprene as a matter-of-speaking in some situations. But there is in fact a difference as i have outlined in the 3hree points i detailed above. No?

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