Re: Fuel

Posted by RogerDetroit On 2012/5/5 7:59:01
To those who believe that ethanol is not a problem and could not cause problems with brass or other metal parts, then do a little homework and get informed. Maybe a place to start is this article, dated June 2011 (my emphasis added) ... The-battle-to-save-classic-motoring

The facts about ethanol

-At higher percentages, ethanol causes corrosion in fuel systems, reduces economy and can "wreak havoc" with fuel injectors

-It's not cost effective, costing $2.24 to produce compared to 63 cents for petrol

-Ethanol requires $1.4 billion in government subsidies to fill this gap

-It has negligible environmental impact because it increases nitrous oxide and other smog-forming emissions

-A 10 per cent ethanol blend worsens fuel consumption by three to five per cent; figures become worse at higher percentages

-It increases corn prices because of higher costs to livestock and poultry producers

-Food prices - particularly meat, milk and eggs - rise

-Ethanol can't improve the USA's energy security, because even if production were increased by 1000 per cent, it would account for only one per cent of USA consumption

Here's just one weapon in the war chest of facts that the Historic Vehicle Association, which has 325,000 members, is building up: The average classic car in the USA covers just 484 miles per year. A filthy polluter? Not at that mileage.

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