Re: oil bath air cleaner element 327 - 2bbl

Posted by su8overdrive On 2012/5/25 15:14:03
Dr. Dyneto -- My old mechanic, now retired, a legend amongst NorCal old car folk, especially Hudsonites, had several Hornets, one with a stroked, 7X engine, finessed HydraMatic as he specialized in transmissions, rebuilt Ultramatics CORRECTLY with all the subtle improvements including one for me. He ran a motor pool in the Pacific during War II, then worked at Packard and Hudson garages, taking over a Hudson service dept. when Hudson folded.

I never cared for the claustrophobic feeling in a stepdown Hudson. The dash is so deep you feel like you're looking through a periscope. But i didn't care for a friend's '42 Darrin victoria i drove for a couple days, putting 60-70 miles on it, either; felt buried in the thing, and i'm tall.
Tho' i've no interest in any domestic cars after War II, my '47 Super Clipper being a warmed over '42 One-Sixty Clipper, i thought the '51 Packard i owned decades ago had the best ergonomics of any '50s American car, tho' i can't recall the slightly downsized 1953-54 Chrysler New Yorkers, which, for me, are the best blend of engineering and pre-chrome baroque style in that decade.

Hudson had an ad showing a Hornet at 60mph having the steering wheel spun hard right. The car merely heeled over slightly and turned. Any other car would've flipped over. Which is why Hornets dominated early '50s NASCAR, as you well know.

The only post '47 Packard i care for would be a '51 or '52 Mayfair coupe with stick and od. We like what we like, but i can appreciate anything through others' eyes, including the ridiculous 1936-37 Cords several of my friends drive.

Hudson Hornets had good build quality, easily as good as Packards of the early '50s, from what i saw.

PS. '54Clipper, pardon us momentarily diverging from your thread. I've been using an off the counter Wicks #87055 paper filter element in my '47 356's oilbath air cleaner for years. Fits like a glove. No cutting, trimming. Article in current Hemmings Classic Car suggests paper filters more efficient, slightly, than oil bath, but i'll leave it to others to split hairs.

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