Re: Altered hood ornament, was this popular back then?

Posted by HH56 On 2012/8/24 17:13:05
I guess when it's been some time since hood ornaments were on most, if not every car, any car with one would stand out. I kinda wish they would come back in style (could you imagine the competition and beautiful hood ornaments that might come to be?).

I think our government had a great deal to do with the demise of hood ornaments. Once started, it was a downhill slide. Even the stalwart JC Whitney, purveyor of all things gaudy has gone from pages of them to around a dozen.

Not entirely sure the govt reasoning was sound but perhaps there was such an epidemic of impalements as to justify the action. Or perhaps that extra pound of metal caused such a drag, the fuel economy could never recover. Mfgs saving a few cents per car probably came into the equation as well.

Today I expect more than a few would meet their demise at the hands of the local delinquents or become gang trophies & status symbols. After all, not every car has the space and "heck with what it costs attitude" to do the disappearing RR approach. Of course with the size of our favorite mascot, unless they figured out how to fold and unfold the wings almost the whole front end would have to be of the disappearing type.

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