position of R9 Lockout Control Lever on OD case ?

Posted by Dave Blandford On 2012/10/3 15:22:53
I bought a complete overdrive lockout cable from David Moe with Packard Seattle awhile back for my 1947 Packard Clipper.

The original owner had pulled all of the Electromatic Clutch Parts & the overdrive cable & brackets from the car prior to me acquiring it. My mechanic & I are just getting around to installing the cable, and we're not sure of the operating position of the Lockout Control Lever on the overdrive case itself. The lever arm has been wired to the frame so that it wouldn't move.

Can you give us any feedback as to the starting position of the lever, and how much range of motion should occur when the lockout knob under the dash is pulled ?

Thanks much for any input.

Best regards,

Dave Blandford
Cell 513-205-3188

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