Re: What is it???

Posted by Owen_Dyneto On 2013/1/16 15:27:30
Thanks for the numbers, I've added them to my database. Sounds like you got it pretty much right except as noted.

You're missing one digit from the motor number.

The small tag and # screwed in on the passenger side near the heater is the number applied by Briggs, the body builder - commonly called the Briggs body number. The number on the vehicle number plate screwed to cowl face in front of the driver is the actual vehicle number. The large embossed number on the cowl is the "thief-proof" or body dash number.

Prior to 1951 it's not uncommon, in fact more common that not, that the Briggs number doesn't match the vehicle number - simply a matter that Packard didn't complete the cars in the same order that Briggs shipped the bodies.

The character you're reading as an "I" is in fact a "1" in the particular font that Packard used. The correct name for the model is an "Eight", 2362-XXXXX would identify the DeLuxe version.

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