Re: Easamatic Rebuild Sources

Posted by 55PackardGuy On 2013/8/3 15:47:06

Owen_Dyneto wrote:
No need to try to refurbish the piston, new stainless steel pistons are available from Kanters.


How about the "cylinder bore?" Is there ever a need to "re-sleeve" that due to pitting?

I take it from the lack of other commentary about my last post that is possible that maybe these suggestions are on track about what to look for and tell the rebuilder.

I don't want to insult the intelligence and competence of any rebuilder, but I don't think it hurts to give them friendly reminders. I think it's especially important to remind rebuilders who do many different types of BTVs that they are working on an Easamatic BTV, which apparently has some of its own peculiarities.

I like how this discussion has evolved into comments about the rebuilding process, rather than just the companies that provide rebuilding services.

Comment: When I look at the delicacy of the parts and all the hydraulic circuits and vents on the Easamatic, it makes me wonder if the folks at Bendix thought they were designing a carburetor rather than a brake booster?

Any additional suggestions about what to watch for when having the Easamatic rebuilt would are welcome! (I know there are options to replace with entirely different systems, but there are already many threads on those.)

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