Re: Easamatic Rebuild Sources

Posted by 55PackardGuy On 2013/8/13 14:52:08

Ross wrote:
The relief port is not blocked by the gasket as it vents into the embossed portion of the cover and any bypassing fluid passes between the embossing and the and the unsupported inner edge of the gasket and back into the reservoir.

I hear what you're saying here, but it does not quite square (in my mind) with what I observed after looking at the gasket. It looked to me (check pic closely on this) that the gasket had bellied into the relief port hole enough to plug the hole. Almost as though there and been some actual vacuum applied to it. The gasket definitely does extend OVER the place where the hole is, so any fluid getting past would have to sneak under the gasket.

If that is the way it's supposed to work it's pretty weird. But I can see where if you notched the gasket to completely clear the port, there wouldn't be much gasket material between the port and the edge of the reservoir, creating the possibility of exterior leaks.

So, if you can, 'splain to me one more time how the pictured gasket could have left any space for fluid to re-enter the reservoir. Also, does it act as just a one-way relief port, or does it also vent somehow in the opposite direction?

I would think a flat cover would complicate things even more, but I understand by the pictures HH56 showed of the reservoir that the relief port was somehow repositioned on these to allow venting.

This was created not by fluid washing it as it returned from the port, but from repeated addition of fluid after the reservoir went dry. I also squirted carb cleaner in there once to try to get the compensator valve flushed out-- with some success it appears. The valve looks pretty clean and positioned right, by what I've seen.

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