Re: Easamatic Rebuild Sources

Posted by PackardV8 On 2013/8/22 21:23:47
It suddenly dawned on me that maybe this why we have heard several reports over the years of deliberatly plugged "relief" ports and filler caps without vents. Perhaps it was an effort by some rebiilder et-al to contain the fluid UNDER PRESSURE should the compensator valve hang open due to dedris. Thus providing some rezidual braking effect that would otherwise result in zero brake effect.

****** EDIT ******
Note that i AM NOT presnting the above conjecture as a viable, sound eng'ring modification. It is ONLY presented as a possible explanation for a shade tree kind of gerry rig fix to prevent TOTAL AND COMPLETE LOSS of brakeing effect shoild the compensator valve malfunction. I make no recommendation for nor against the procedure. I only present it as an explanation to WHY such procedures HAVE shown up over the years.

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