Re: Echlin VR-57 Voltage Regulator - apparently no longer available

Posted by Craig Hendrickson On 2013/9/9 19:39:10
Tim Cole Quote:

As the nation becomes less and less competitive these kinds of luxury products will disappear.


Great analysis Tim! I would add after watching an episode of "Modern Marvels" this AM that "recycling" of cars, i.e., crushing and shredding, is currently the biggest value of an "old car", so they are disappearing faster than the Passenger Pigeon or Dodo Bird ever did.

If you are restoring any old car (Packards and Gen-2 Firebirds in my case), then you need at least TWO parts cars for every one restored. This means that you've got to have the space for the parts cars and an understanding wife (if so equipped) and not live in a CC&R controlled development.


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