Overdrive balk ring test

Posted by bigmoparjeff On 2013/9/13 10:57:26
I didn't plan to do so, but I ended up taking the transmission completely apart. My original goal was only to install new gaskets and seals. I did end up finding a couple bearings that were on the rough side, so I ordered new ones to replace those. The rest of the trans appears to be in real nice shape. The one item that's in question is the balk ring for the overdrive. The service manual and a service bulletin tell you to attach a spring scale to measure the force required to rotate the ring around the sun gear. The spec is 3 to 5 pounds pull. I'm not anywhere close to that number on mine, looks like under 1 pound. The way they have the scale attached in the test spreads the ring open as you pull, and I'm wondering if the picture of the test is incorrect. Max Merrit has the rings for $25, but I don't know if they are new or used. Does anyone have any additional knowledge about this part?

Thanks, Jeff

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