Re: Kanter rear gas shocks for '54 Patrician...

Posted by Owen_Dyneto On 2013/10/9 11:35:14
Nothing really of value to contribute except, that to do really valid comparison of regular to gas-filled, you'd have to have a set of both of equivalent quality (whatever that means) and both "new in the box", install them on the same car and do the same road test to evaluate. Perhaps that's what Bobby did, but I suspect it going to be a rare circumstance to find someone that's done a controlled comparison. Comparing new gas-filled to old standard shocks or versa visa certainly isn't a valid comparison.

When in doubt, perhaps it's best to go with the newer (i.e. gas-filled) technology though owners of T/L cars might remember Bob Allison's admonition against using anything but standard duty shocks on T/L cars.

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