Re: Driving Impressions '54 Clipper Deluxe

Posted by Rusty O\'Toole On 2013/11/9 22:39:30
Ever since they did away with asbestos brake linings in the 80s brakes have been plagued with squeals. On disc brake cars there is a silicone like goop you put on the back of the pads to dampen it out. What you can do on a drum brake car I don't know but even in the fifties some brake drums had springs wrapped around them to stop squeal.

In other words there may be nothing wrong with your brakes, just lousy modern linings.

The pulsation indicates a warped drum or drums.

There is nothing wrong with painting the drums. A thin coat of barbecue paint will enhance cooling. I sandblast and paint mine with rust proof paint. I'm sure it disperses heat better than a thick coat of rust.

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