Re: Proving Grounds Test Certificate

Posted by RogerDetroit On 2014/1/11 14:05:37
Well lucky us!

My wife and I got together with a few Packard friends for dinner last night at an old restaurant frequented by Packard employees back in the day. During our conversation the topic of a PPG Test Certificate came up and I asked if the club gave out sample certificates at the 1982 Meet (I joined the club in 1990.)

One of the guys at the table (he shall remain unnamed, but those of you that have attended PAC National Meets would recognize him by his VERY distinctive moustache) says "Yes, that was copied from my original test certificate that came with a 1934 V-12 that I bought. We printed those up and Herb Misch signed them and passed them out to each Packard that completed one lap at the Proving Grounds."

So, he agreed that we could copy it - all he has to do is find it.

Say tuned.

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