Re: Lug and Axle Nut Torque

Posted by Fish'n Jim On 2014/4/1 21:41:53
Really tight and 85-95 ft-lbs don't go together in my book. Really tight is about twice that ~160+. Really really tight is over 200 for me.
I (the anti - OD) use a torque wrench on all my lug nuts. I carry with me on the road. The tire shop (on the road) put the big air gun on my trailer (alloy wheels - 50 ft-lbs) and stripped out most all the studs. Didn't find until I was doing routine maintenance and had to factory order studs. I carry two sets of spares of everything.
In the garage, I have my 1/2" impact set so it's about 125 ft-lbs full out which is what is called for on my other vehicles. My Packard has lug bolts not nuts. I recall nk the torque spec was in the literature.
I think everyone has their own method on wheel bearings. I've yet to find a torque wrench for the few ft-lbs they usually call for. I don't like "positions" for tightness. I spin and tighten til it stops, to make sure the bearings are seated, then back off til it just spins freely. Go to the next looser cotter hole. I recheck after a few thousand miles before can do much damage. The seal will go first. Main thing is to use the proper /good quality grease/lubricant. I have oil bath wheels on the trailers.

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