53 Caribbean Trim

Posted by Richter12x2 On 2014/4/24 13:09:28
The fellow I bought my car from mentioned that there was a company that sold all the reproduction chrome trim for the '53 Caribbean, but I haven't been able to find it, and I imagine original pieces are probably as rare as hen's teeth and quite dear.

I have the wheel arches, but most are rusted through, I may have one of the correct long pieces, or it may be for another car entirely. The pieces that run over the top of the doors and onto the quarter panels is totally missing.

Does anyone have any ideas whether these pieces are being made reproduction? I'm skeptical, as this gentleman has been mistaken before, and I can't imagine the market dictating a demand, but I suppose anything is possible.

Or does anyone know anything that may help, such as that the top door chrome on the Caribbean was actually just a cut down side bar from a Super Clipper or something? :) Wishful thinking, I'm sure, but it had to come from somewhere.

Thank you!

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