Re: Push Buttons and Park

Posted by Leeedy On 2014/5/27 10:29:57

Owen_Dyneto wrote:
Leeedy, correct me if I'm wrong but I believe the early GM Hydramatics had a Park function, even though a "Park" or "P" position wasn't shown on the quadrant. I quite clearly remember that when you put it in Reverse and turned the engine off (thus no vacuum), they went into a locked Park mode.

Yes, SOME did... others did not. My dad had a Pontiac with automatic... but no PARK setting...only NEUTRAL. Yes there were PARK functions without an actual setting... as for how many users clearly understood this is open to question. Packard was one of the first to take a lead in this area, though not credited as such today.

And selector quadrants were not standardized until decades after Packard was long gone. REVERSE on GM and possibly others was wayyyyyy down the path. My 1964 Oldsmobile Starfire had reverse in the opposite position of today.

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