Re: 1951 valve guide replacement

Posted by Owen_Dyneto On 2014/10/15 14:28:53
The main thing I'm concerned with is how do I make sure I have the new guide driven into the right depth without the appropriate tool?

The simple drift (tool) to drive out the guide and drive in the new one DOES NOT determine the depth the guide is inserted to; you determine that by measuring the depth from the block surface of the old one or other ones first and drive the new one to the same depth. A 1/16 or so either way shouldn't make a difference but try to get it right. Packing the new guide in dry ice or at the least, a freezer overnight, will make installation easier. When done don't forget to check the stem clearance and ream if necessary though with replacement guides I've bought in the last 15 years from Egge or Kanter I've not found that necessary.

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