Re: Best damper puller?

Posted by 19482255 On 2015/5/15 12:33:51
Yes, you're right, this is a good time to do all of that. I have already pulled out and cleaned the brass coolant distribution tube which is in good condition. Noticed a few of the forward holes in the tube closest to #1, 2 and 3 cylinders have oversize distributing holes compared to the others - maybe on purpose?

Does anyone know if the 356 has a threaded drain plug for draining the cooling jackets anywhere? If I have to remove the freeze plugs for this, then I'll probably wait.

I pulled the damper off because I have at least two hydraulic lifter bodies that have cracked/broken feet. Who knows how they got that way: perhaps the lifters stuck at some point. Pulling the cam out to address this issue. While I'm doing that, I'll examine the timing chain for slack. Seems like it has some.

Does anyone happen to know offhand what size socket/open-end wrench fits the camshaft gear retaining nut? It's bigger than 1 1/4" but smaller than 1 3/4" - maybe 1 1/2"? My mics are on the blink right now.

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