Some 356 camshaft questions

Posted by 19482255 On 2015/5/17 0:37:10
I've removed the damper and the timing cover from the 48 356. Timing chain has some slop. Maybe it's fine, maybe not: I'm no expert. See the video below and advise your thoughts?

Second: is it advisable to keep the cam gear installed on the end and use the gear as a 'handle' of sorts to help pull the camshaft out, once I remove the retaining bolts and retainer behind it? It's a pretty long cam... I can see there's a tanged 'washer' behind the retaining nut, with one tang bent against one flat side of the nut so as to make it impossible to remove the nut without bending it back. Tang is pretty resistant to bending thus far, but I paused because I realized perhaps it would be better to leave the gear in place for now...thoughts?

Third and last: I should be able to remove the cam without compressing any of the valve springs, correct? Or will the valve stems/springs and hydraulic lifters/followers get in the way of removal?

Thanks all.


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