Re: rebuild 356 vrs V-8 replacement

Posted by Jim L. in OR On 2015/5/20 22:41:03
When the SBC fad is over - and it is a fad and it will be over - what will you have. A Chevrolet with custom body work. Ten years from now, when GM has quit making the 350 and, more importantly, the electronics that make it run you'll have a car that is only good for parts.

My 1951 Packard 200 Deluxe is all stock. The big scare that kept me from getting into Packards years ago was parts and price of parts. I was delighted to find out that in both cases, the fear was completely unjustified. Mechanical parts are plentiful and cheap - and I'm not talking about the quality. When I go out in the morning it ALWAYS starts instantly - more "instantly" than does my Lincoln Town Car. I've never driven a Packard older than my '51(s) except for what was my Grandmother's 1935 120. But from people who have and whose veracity I believe in have told me that there is no road in today's world that the Packards from 1940 on up cannot feel at home on. Indeed, the faster I drive my '51, the better it likes it and seems to sort of hunker down and goes! This is with a stock Ultramatic too - which I've found to be as smooth and purposeful as the electronic overdrive automatic that's in my Town Car.

I have found that both my running Packards, the other being the '55 Patrician can do almost everything my late model daily driver can do. The "almost" is cornering in the '51. It does roll over into a commercial for seat belts (to keep you behind the wheel) but when I drive the '51 I'm usually in a different mindset - one that enjoys the drive and the marvel of a sixty four old car that can and does do all that the designers intended it to do. I wish I had held up as well. The 1955, if I'm in a hurry, will let me drive it just as fast and hard as my Lincoln. In fact the '55 with the Torsion Level Suspension corners and tracks just as well and in some situations handles better than the Lincoln.

About the engine, I think you'll find that there is very little wrong with it. The low compression was something a previous owner ran into with what is now my '51 Patrician. It needed the valves unstuck and I'm almost willing to bet that's what your main problem as well. If you let these engines sit over time, the valves will get stuck in the open position or not completely close. Both have the same symptoms you are describing.

My best advice see if you can find someone to let you try driving their 47. If not that, then get enough done to it so that the Packard - the WHOLE Packard can show you what it can do. Once it does, that top of the tree, limited production full classic (I believe) will make you forget all about the SBC.

One more thing. If you are driving your complete Packard and something should happen, if you have any mechanic in you at all, I from what I've read it sounds like you do, these cars are so simple, that you can probably fix it on the spot. If you're driving a new car (whether is has a Packard Skin or that of a Chevy) and it quits - about the only tools you'll need is a cell phone and AAA card to take the whole mess to a repair shop. If it's something electronic, you'd better hope Chevy is still offering the part - something less likely with every passing year - or you've got a Lawn Ornament.

Please, just see what you'll be missing.

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