Re: Brake Fade? What Brake Fade?

Posted by PackardV8 On 2015/8/31 13:14:18
Brake fade CAN happen on Disk too if they get hot enuf. AS for my 56 Exec in HOT Tn.summer interstate at 70-80 mph and on sooooome long hills on2 lane black ttttop running 60 mph i've never experienced any brake fade.

But then again, i've never tried to load the car down with an extra 1000 pounds of passengers nor tried to pull any airstream trailer thru the rockies either.

I do gettttt braake fade on both of my motorcycles that were built in 1940's on a very long steep hill and have experienced that at speeds as low as 20mph.

Never any on the Packard.

Most people doing disk conversions are doing so for the same reason that so many convert to e-ignition. CONVENIENCE to overcome low skill level and knowledge or sufficient parts availability/quality or converting from a 4 cyl to a V8 and need better brakes wheather disk or drum.

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