Re: Air cleaner differences

Posted by Ross On 2015/11/22 19:12:08
In 1952 the oil bath option was the round one shown in the second photo of the first post. I believe it was the only year it was used, and it was used on everything, even Patricians. Perhaps the across the engine style was viewed as too much metal to waste during wartime. If you didn't get an oil bath, you got the bird strainer that Owen showed in his post.

A few of the across the engine types had the oil-wetted filter during the early bathtub era. The filter element was mounted vertically on the end of the big cylinder. I have never seen one of them in real life. All of the rest of the cross the engine filters were proper oil baths.

A word of caution on rushing out to buy one: you will notice that the air comes out the bottom of the big cylinder on the 22-23d series cars, as in the photo in the first post. To fit the 51-54 cars the air comes out the top of the big cylinder as in the second photo in Owen's post. You can put a late one on an early car, but if you try to put a bathtub unit on a 51-54, the hood will not shut.

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