Re: Station sedan tire size

Posted by su8overdrive On 2015/12/2 20:16:38
I think Oz is right, since the 288/327 junior tubs were originally so tired, 7.60/15 a popular size for mid-range cars in the late '40s, shared with Hudson and others.
Check with a knowledgeable, longtime tire shop and see if the above 7.00/15 radials i mentioned will work on your wheels. Part of what gave Packards the best chassis in the industry was having sturdy wheels. So better to over- than under-tire, especially given the bathtubs' heavier weight, and that they were marginally tired even when new.

I recall seeing the corresponding 1947 Cadillacs to my '47 Super Clipper had but a 4.5-inch-wide wheel, while my car has 5.5-inch width wheel. That's what Packards are all about,
lost on most people as they headed for the hipper, slicker marketing, styling of GMobiles while Packard, spoiled by wartime profits from open-ended contracts from a seemingly bottomless Federal government, understandably focused on more lucrative jet engine contracts instead of capricious retail customers and whiny dealers, increasingly phoning in the cars, limping along after GM, East Grand otherwise toast by the '40s, being run by the B-O-P men recruited in '34 to show them how to cost the 120.

Crewe knew how to focus on aero engines while marketing boutique cars. Packard, well: Woulda, coulda, shoulda.

See if your woody'll take a set of Bridgestone R230s. It should handle very well -- better than before.

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