Re: 26th Series 12v Conversion Thread

Posted by Hans Ahlness On 2015/12/30 11:05:00
"why convert to 12V? these cars operated fine on the original 6V systems. Can't you just add a second 6V battery in series to power needed 12V accessories as worse case?"

in my case it made sense since I had to replace all the wiring, bulbs, battery, etc so why not just go to the modern standard. No economic benefit to restore a '52 200 to factory new standards, I like my new fuse box, and I felt that WHEN it quits on me somewhere I might as well have an easy time jump-starting it. That's my choice and I'm happy with what I have ended up with, no slight is meant at all to those of you who wish to keep things original and I respect that choice as well.

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