'48-50 engines

Posted by kleroy On 2016/1/29 19:36:02
I was just wondering, were the 48-50 Packard engines prone to high failure rates? It seems like quite a few have had later engines installed. Mine has a '54 engine and a '49 parts car I looked at not far from me also had a later engine in it as well.
I rode along with a buddy today on a 360 mile round trip to look at a 1939 Buick LWB Model 90 (which he bought)and we were talking cars. He has a 1929 Packard dual cowl phaeton so he knows something about Packard and he told me he had heard that the 48-50 engines were prone to failure. I had not heard of that but, from what I have seen, there seems to be something to it. So, I was wondering if some one here could give me some insight. Thanks!

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