Re: Fuel gage problem. on Series 23

Posted by Dave Brownell On 2016/12/28 21:58:17
On a non-Packard current topic, I fully agree with Howard that the Quick-Connect/Disconnect features of newer fuel lines are a pain, especially to old guys who are used to doing connections the old fashioned way. Put those same connector tools in the hands of younger guys who have no experience with our old ways, and they make it look easy. Someday, both of us may be convinced our old hands can do it, too.

If I understand the X-parts exchange, a Fifties Ford sender unit may fit and work the Packards built 51-56. I may find that out personally once I drop the 56 tank in the Spring. Knowing that the older K-S gauges require a bimetal sender was valuable news to me. Until Santa has the cash in hand if I have to buy an expensive bimetal one, keeping track of miles driven and premature filling will be the rule for both old and older Packards. It's too bad that both 56s are nice cars because the temptation to cannibalize might take hold. None of them is driven so far that we cannot deal with not having a working gauge.

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