Re: What would a traditional Packard "Senior" have looked like in 1951?

Posted by Mahoning63 On 2017/8/17 17:23:23
Positioned appropriately in front of the Pillars of Power is the imposing '51 limousine.

I dialed the wheelbase back an inch to 140 because the coupe's front doors are not quite 9 inches longer than the sedan's. The body folks could probably have cut 4-1/4 inches at most from the coupe's door outers to weld to the rear doors and some of that length might have been needed for hemming.

I have no work-ups for the 127 Senior convertible with long hood/deck, 300 Ionia 8-passenger station wagon on 127 wb and 140 wb Parade Phaeton derived from limo and possibly sectioned 1.5 inches. Will leave to your imagination.

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