non working speedometer

Posted by bakerallen On 2017/12/19 0:51:49
The 47 clipper is the third old car I have owned. Previously I owned a 1957 Buick, and I still own a 1953 Chevrolet Truck. All of them have had a problem with the speedometer. The Buick didn't work at all, and I gave it a shot of light oil. That was a disaster. It then bounced around from very fast to nothing. I haven't tried to repair the one on the Chevy truck. It is a big truck, with a top speed of around 45 miles per hour, so I have just ignored it. I haven't driven the Packard much because the motor is out being repaired, but the little I have driven it the speedometer acts like it needs lubrication. It doesn't make any noise, but the indicator hand is sluggish. I can't tell if it is giving me a true speed, but when stopped the hand doesn't always return to zero. One would think a little oil would solve the problem, but with my past experience, I' afraid to try that.
Any suggestions would be appreciated.

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