48 Deluxe Project - First Hurdle - Starting

Posted by Icescreamer On 2018/2/25 20:09:56
Hello - First Post! Thank you for this awesome knowledge base! I greatly look forward to learning and contributing as my experience grows.

Just brought home a 48' Deluxe yesterday and started to get to know "Clara Belle" today.

First hurdle - Starting
She will not start by the traditional method of depressing the accelerator. Nothing happens when this is attempted. If you jump the solenoid she fires up and runs/idles great. I am not confident that the solenoid installed is the proper one, or perhaps it is not functional.

Both wires are attached to the appropriate sides of the carb switch. However the wire that is supposed to go from the carb to the back of the ignition switch ( according to the wire diagrams ) is connected to the + side of the ammeter?

And as you will see in the attached photo there is also a red wire that is coming out of the firewall that must be attached to the battery in order to get her to run. I think this must run to the ignition switch?

I would love to "A" get it to turn over by depressing the accelerator and "B" figure out where that red wire is suppose to go.

I realize I am probably missing some critical details here, please let me know what else I can provide to help.

Thank you

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