Re: Aftermarket "green glass " windshield and windows

Posted by HH56 On 2019/11/16 17:19:15
The side glass is all flat glass and just about any quality glass shop should be able to cut new laminated glass to fit -- particularly if your old glass is still good enough for a pattern. If no pattern is available from your existing piece then several online places have the patterns and can cut you a perfect replacement.

The windshield is another matter as it has a slight curvature so I expect you will need to go to a shop specializing in old glass and see if they can still source a replacement windshield. The windshield was slightly different for convertibles and hardtops as compared to the sedans so no idea how much stock you will still find. Finding new convertible glass may be as difficult and expensive as finding windshields for the 55-6 models.

The modern sun shield type glass may not be the same shade or tint color as the old heat absorption type Packard used so that is another thing to be aware of unless you plan on replacing all of the glass.

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