Re: Leaded Fuel Additives

Posted by Tim Cole On 2020/3/14 10:42:27
The oil companies are lobbying to get rid of ethanol using the argument that the law is out of date. The problem is the government has been crapping on the American farmer for so long they have lost the export market and many are relying on the implicit subsidy that comes from ethanol.

Sure I'd like to see that junk taken out of gasoline, but if that is the only way to keep the American farmer from going bust I'm willing to live with it.

I remember the "free marketeers" ranting about farm subsidies back in the 80's. They talked about the American farmer as if they were more crooked than Wall Street. So they started making us buy ethanol instead. It's so typical. The American farmer isn't looking for crooked stock option schemes, million dollar bonuses,and childish wars in the executive suite so they have nothing in common with almost every lawmaker.

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