Re: 6v positive ground with 12v output! Best of both worlds

Posted by Borkery On 2022/8/5 11:19:41
Ohh wow that is very fancy. I dig it Thankfully i live in an area where AC is not really needed so i get to have a nice simple engine compartment. The work you did though is very useful. And yeah i see the "Series-Parallel Switch" is for starting really but what it does more than anything is show me that its OK to run 2 different voltages at the same time. The thing i guess i was worried about was charging batteries at 6v in parralel while also having them wired in series so they can be drawn from in such a way to get 12v. i dont THINK ive cauzed any crazy short situation. it should just work.... and the batteries i would think, should ever so smoothly balance themselves if i keep a constant 12v load upon them with something like say a standby headless bluetooth enabled amp sitting in the trunk.

Aside from pulling too hard off of this setup and making sure muh batteries are being charged in a balanced way + making sure my charge wires from my regulator are nice n fat + having nice fat generator wires to my regulator and to my frame ground point. i think this sonofabitch will work....

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