Re: 288 Head Gasket Planning

Posted by TxGoat On 2023/6/7 18:41:01
The best way I know of to clean loose debris out of the space above the top ring and between the piston and cylinder wall is to start at #1 cylinder, and use the fan to move the engine in the direction it runs just enough to move the #1 piston down about 2 inches from the top of the bore.

Then pour about an ounce of cheap, clean motor oil or ATF on top of the piston, or enough to completey cover it about 1/8" deep. Then use the fan to rock the engine back and forth far enough to move the piston up and down about an inch or so, but keep it below the top of the bore. This action will cause much of the debris to be lifted out of the space around the piston by the oil and left clinging to the cylinder wall.

Mop up the oil and debris with a clean rag, then repeat, adding more clean oil as needed. Repeat the process until only clean oil is left on the cylinder wall when the engine is rocked.

Then move on the next cylinder and repeat the process. Change rags as needed.

Avoid turning the engine full turns backward. Doing so may cause the oil pump to lose prime.

This process will remove most loose debris above the top ring and will help flush any remaining debris from around the second and third ring.

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