Re: 1948 Custom series new tires

Posted by su8overdrive On 2023/8/18 16:24:26
Whatever you get, be careful. According to Consumer Reports in 1948: "The Packard cars well-built, durable, heavy (tires are badly overloaded)...." Tom McCahill and others concurred.

Senior Packards like mine ran 7.00 x 15 through the last year Clippers, 1947, and such are still available in bias sized radials from Yokohama (a Canadian company). Those wanting whitewalls can buy these same tires from Diamond Back in South Carolina who merely vulcanize a not quite wide enough whitewall on them, for those liking gauche.

Those running 235/75Rs have reported rubbing in extreme lock turns, not the case with 215/75Rs but then these are smaller circumference, increasing rpm at a given road speed while not looking right, not filling the wheel well.

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