Re: Ultramatic normal behaviors
Posted by kevinpackard On 2023/10/18 11:54:46
I had no idea that the rear axle ratios were different between the two years. I just assumed they were all the same. That would definitely explain some of the difference I felt.
Regarding the tune on the Panama, compression is good across all (145-155), timing should be on but I might need to double check, and I've never adjusted the throttle linkage. The car does seem to run rich (based on plugs) though the mixture screws have been adjusted using a vacuum gauge.
I'll look into adjusting the pull rod to the carb to lower the speed for direct drive. It seems to "hang" a bit as it stands now before it drops into direct.
I've tried the starting in low and switching to high, and was rewarded with a loud and violent clunk. Haven't done it again since.
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