Re: Ultramatic

Posted by kevinpackard On 2024/6/17 14:56:08
Low and High gear are completely separate from each other. When in Low gear there will be no direct drive engagement at all. It is solely using the torque converter in a different ratio than High. Low gear is for steep hill climbs and not much else. High gear is all normal driving. High gear uses the torque converter until a certain speed is reached, then it goes into direct drive and stays in direct drive until the car goes below 11 mph, or until you floor the gas pedal force it back into torque converter to pass a car on the road.

The speed at which direct drive kicks in is dependent on the throttle position. On low throttle it should kick into direct drive at lower speeds....15-20mph I believe. At half and full throttle the direct drive won't kick in until 35-45mph.

This is my understanding of it. Someone correct me if I'm wrong.


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